Sleeping on Wool: The Advantages of Wool Pillows

Apes built sleeping platforms and wooden pillows thousands of years ago to help them sleep better. Ancient Europeans who perfected the skill of making soft cushions were the Greeks and the Romans. We're all looking for comfort. But for a long time, only those with the greatest social standing were permitted to use pillows while they slept.

Are you still looking for the greatest pillow in the world to get a good night's sleep? There is a vast body of research supporting the idea that anybody can start sleeping better at any time, but one thing is for certain: bedding counts. 

Read about all the advantages of wool pillows and why they might be the secret to getting more rest.



Regulation of Temperature and Wool Pillows

For sound sleep, temperature is important. Wool regulates body temperature better than any other material, so you won't perspire at night.

According to Associate Professor Chin Moi Chow of the University of Sydney, a research on wool and sleep found that it keeps you in the "thermal comfort zone" for longer. Wool's ability to maintain your body temperature through its unrivaled breathability and moisture management is the fundamental factor behind why it encourages better sleep.

Wool fiber is ten times more efficient than polyester in transferring moisture vapor through fabric than cotton is. In other words, wool bedding will undoubtedly help you bid your nocturnal sweats farewell.

Wool keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, allowing you to sleep well throughout the year and completely forget about that soggy pillow!



Allergies and asthma are frequently brought on by dust mites. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, postnasal drip, and cough are some of the most typical symptoms of a moderate dust mite allergy. Children with dust mite allergies may also rub their noses upward. And while dust mites cannot be totally eliminated, choosing a mattress and bedding that is dust mite resistant can at least keep them out of your bed. After all, you spend a third of your life in bed. You're already one step closer to greater health if you can manage it safely.

Wool is the one material that dust mites really detest. Why so? They simply dislike lanolin. Wool bedding is the only material inherently resistant to dust mites because of this and the way the wool fibers are structured. Wool bedding is ideal for those who have MCS and other chemical sensitivities because of this. It manages to prevent allergies without the use of additional harmful chemicals.

Your brand-new pillow can be the first step toward getting better sleep. Decide wisely and trust nature to provide tranquil, toxin-free slumber.

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